Every November, people across the country come together to offer gratitude and admiration to our nation’s veterans. Their dedication, sacrifice and service sustain the values and liberties our country was founded on.
We are humbled to have veterans on the Bi-State Development team who have chosen to build their career here and continue their service to the community. Get to know some of our colleagues who served in our BSD Veteran Spotlight.
Calvin Brown – MetroBus Operator
Tell us about your military experience.
I served in the U.S. Marine Corps for six years, four years active duty and two years reserved. I was a Sergeant, and served as a tank gunner and on the mortar platoon. The corps changed my life for the better. It’s where I learned discipline and respect. Respect goes a long way in the military and at BSD.
How long have you been on the BSD team?
I’ve been a MetroBus Operator for 15 years.
What do you like about the St. Louis area?
I’ve been halfway around the world and there’s no place like St. Louis. I love the scenery, the people, entertainment and businesses. I think it’s an optimistic city.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I’m a sports fanatic, and enjoy sports at every level – high school, college, professional. I have a youth team at my church, St. Andrews Missionary Baptist Church.
If you had the opportunity to go back to the Marines, would you?
I would. Once a Marine is always a Marine.
Lawrence Jones – MetroBus Operator
Tell us about your military experience.
I was a Boatswain Mate Petty Officer 3rd Class in the U.S. Navy. I was stationed in or outside of Japan on the U.S.S. Blue Ridge, the flagship of the U.S. 7th Fleet. I was responsible for the captain’s barrage and the upkeep of the admiral’s helicopter.
How long have you been on the BSD team?
I’ve been with Metro since 2013.
What do you like about the St. Louis area?
I love the weather and the changing seasons.
What energizes you at work?
Bills. What gets me coming to work every day are bills. <laughing>
What do you like to do outside of work?
I enjoy taking a walk through the park. It’s how I recuperate after a long day.
Jason Powell – Infrastructure Security Risk Coordinator
Tell us about your military experience.
I served in the U.S. Navy from 1995 through 1998.
How long have you been on the BSD team?
I have worked for BSD for nine years, six in Public Safety and three years in Safety.
What do you like about the St. Louis area?
Historical buildings. I have a construction background and enjoy seeing the craftsmanship that went into older buildings in the area. You just do not see that type of work anymore.
What energizes you at work?
Working with multiple disciplines within BSD to create positive, safe and secure locations for our passengers and customers.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I enjoy the outdoors and like to go hiking, biking and kayaking.
Sylvester Radley – MetroBus Operator
Tell us about your military experience.
I enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps. I was a Sergeant, and my duties included field artillery, chaplain’s assistant and motor pool. I have been stationed in San Diego, Okinawa and at Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, North Carolina.
How long have you been on the BSD team?
I have been at BSD for 23 years.
What do you like about the St. Louis area?
Whatever I want to do, St. Louis has it all From A-to-Z.
What energizes you at work?
Finding a way to change someone’s mindset from having a bad day to having a good day.
What do you like to do outside of work?
Fishing, biking and enjoying time with my family and grandchildren.
Michael Smart – MetroBus Operator
Tell us about your military experience.
I served in the U.S. Army, Corporal E4, MOS Combat Engineer specializing in demolitions. I also worked on heavy equipment, like tanks and dump trucks. I was at Fort Hood in Texas for four years, which is where I met my wife of 30 years. And three years in Germany in Schweinfurt and Kitzingen.
How long have you been on the BSD team?
I have been a MetroBus Operator for 19 years, and I still enjoy what I do.
What do you like about the St. Louis area?
I like the diversity, from diverse neighborhoods to diverse food and cuisine.
What energizes you at work?
What motivates me is helping others. Helping family, friends, our transit customers.
If you could go back to the U.S. Army, would you?
I would, but only for two years. I think everyone should have at least two years of military experience. It’s a great benefit to serve, from schooling and skills to the friendships you make.
Yulayne Travis – MetroBus Operator
Tell us about your military experience.
I served in the U.S. Army as a Specialist E4. I served a total of seven years, four in active duty and three years in reserves. I have been stationed and visited places all over the world, including Fort Dix in New Jersey, Fort Hood in Texas, Germany, Amsterdam and Paris.
How long have you been on the BSD team?
I have been with BSD for 17-and-a-half years, 15 years with Call-A-Ride, and the last two-and-a-half years with MetroBus.
What do you like about the St. Louis area?
I was born and raised in St. Louis. My friends and family are here. And even though I have been all around the world, out of all of the places I have been, St. Louis will always be home.
What energizes you at work?
I love people. I love serving my customers.
If you could go back to the U.S. Army, would you?
I love to travel. I love learning the history of the places I visit. I plan on visiting Cancun real soon.