Bi-State Development (BSD) received a Champions Award of Achievement at the 2015 St. Louis Green Business Challenge awards ceremony today at the Saint Louis Zoo.
Bi-State Development’s green efforts include promoting and expanding sustainability inside the workplace each year through the efforts of its employee “Lean & Green Team.” This employee effort is aimed at identifying opportunities and pursuing new initiatives to make BSD, Metro transit and the other BSD enterprises more energy efficient and environmentally responsible.
Metro transit is the most well-known enterprise of BSD. The “Lean & Green Team” also maintains BSD’s participation in the annual St. Louis Green Business Challenge. The team organizes ongoing activities including recycling at sporting events, and holds various recycling drives.
“Bi-State Development remains committed to delivering a positive impact on the region’s sustainability” said Bi-State Development President and CEO John Nations. “Through Metro transit, we’re able to improve air quality and reduce fuel consumption by taking tens of thousands of vehicles off area roadways each day. As a resource for regional economic growth, Bi-State Development supports projects and investments that make the best use of our land, water and air, while also creating more opportunities for everyone in the region.”
The Green Business Challenge, administered by the St. Louis Regional Chamber, encourages St. Louis area companies to adopt sustainable business practices that can in turn help grow the region’s green economy, reduce environmental impact and improve bottom lines. The Green Business Challenge requires participants to complete sustainability strategies in the areas of outreach, energy reduction, indoor environmental quality, waste reduction and clean transportation options.
BSD and Metro’s 2015 green accomplishments included top-level sponsorship of Earth Day and ongoing partnerships with Trailnet, Great Rivers Greenway, Citizens for Modern Transit and other alternative transportation groups; a recycling program with Always Green recycling company for child car seats previously used in Metro Call-A-Ride vans; a mail reduction program reducing junk mail by 50 percent; a commitment to purchase only paper with 30-50 percent recycled content; a robust office recycling program; participation in Cardinals and Rams green team events; full transit benefits for employees, and encouraging bicycling to work with bike parking and showers provided at Metro facilities.
Innovations included the street testing of several all-electric buses, providing an opportunity for the Metro maintenance team to take a closer look at the advancements, capabilities and benefits of electric bus technology; planning the rerouting of North County bus routes to increase efficiencies and trip times from the new North County Transit Center (opening March 2016); laying the groundwork for a switch to sustainable, pro-biotic cleaners for buses and trains and facility cleaning.
This is the fifth year Metro and BSD have received an award as part of the St. Louis Green Business Challenge.