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Public Comment Form

Public Comment Form

The Bi-State Development Board of Commissioners meetings are currently being held in a virtual format. Public comments are welcomed and can be submitted using the form below. Comments received by 16 hours before the start of the board meeting (e.g., 4:30 p.m. the day before a meeting with an 8:30 a.m. start time) will be acknowledged during the Public Comment portion of the meeting. All comments will be provided to BSD Commissioners prior to the board meeting, and will be included in their entirety in the public record (minutes) and added to the “Meeting Materials” information on the website, upon conclusion of the meeting.

Note: all fields required.


    Public comment may be made at the written request of a member of the public specifying the topic(s) to be addressed and provided to the Agency’s information officer at least 16 hours prior to the meeting. No public comment shall be allowed by parties or their legal counsel in connection with any matter involving a pending bid protest, litigation, or legal matter. The following rules shall be observed: 1) All individuals shall state their name, address and topic for comment; 2) All individuals shall address the Chair and shall not proceed with public comment until recognized by the Chair; 3) No disrespectful language may be used or comments with respect to personalities shall be made; 4) An individual called to order by the Chair shall immediately desist from speaking until permitted to continue by the Chair; and 5) Public comment by an individual shall be limited to five minutes, unless permission to continue is given by motion adopted by the Board.