The Bi-State Development Board of Commissioners approved an Intergovernmental Agreement with St. Louis County and the City of St. Louis last month regarding an expanded Northside-Southside MetroLink Corridor Study.
The City of St. Louis and St. Louis County are partnering to create a new high-performance, user friendly Northside-Southside MetroLink corridor in an effort to strengthen future economic development prospects for St. Louis and St. Louis County residents and businesses. The Phase 1 alignment is focused on Jefferson Avenue in the City of St. Louis. Using concepts from the 2018 study, this route would stay on Jefferson Avenue, starting at Chippewa and running north up to NGA.
The Northside-Southside Corridor Study will expand the Northside-Southside Corridor Technological Alternatives Analysis and build upon previous discussions and research to formalize a more complete assessment of areas in St. Louis County for development and comparing conceptual alternatives and their associated benefits and costs.
St. Louis County will fund the study while jointly managing it with the City of St. Louis and Bi-State Development.
The final locally preferred alternative (LPA) will be presented to the East-West Gateway Council of Governments for review and approval this fall.