U.S. Army and Marine Corps Veterans Spotlights: Jim Heidorn, Cletus Lutz, Jr., Roosevelt Rodgers, Mekia Sally, Amanda Winters, and Jared Gardner
In 1775, the Second Continental Congress established the U.S. Army in order to protect the freedom of the original 13 colonies. As the oldest service of the United States Military, the Army has evolved from a small militia protecting the colonies to the an elite and vast fighting force that defends democracy around the world. Since its inception in 1775 as a small militia, the U.S. Army has carried out its mission “To deploy, fight and win our nation’s wars by providing ready, prompt and sustained land dominance by Army forces across the full spectrum of conflict as part of the joint force.”
BSD would like to thank team members that are U.S. Army Veterans who helped carry out that mission during their time in the Army. Thank you all for ensuring our freedom and doing your part at BSD day-in, day-out!
We are proud to have several Army veterans on the BSD team. Read below to learn more about five of our colleagues who have served: Jim Heidorn, Cletus Lutz, Jr., Roosevelt Rodgers, Mekia Sally, and Amanda Winters.
Jim Heidorn – Product Analyst
Military Experience
Sergeant James Heidorn enlisted in the US Army in 1985. Heidorn worked on the Bradley Fighting Vehicle and ITV as a turret mechanic. Deployments to Operation Brightstar in Egypt, Operations Desert Storm and Desert Shield.
How long have you been working here?
I’m about to hit 14.5 years.
What energizes you at work?
There’s a new challenges every day, not knowing what might be on my plate when I start my day keeps me on my toes.
What do you like about the St. Louis area?
We like to visit the Hill every now and then.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I like to barbeque, cure bacon and sausage, spend time with our grandkids, and we like to travel whenever we get the chance.
Cletus Lutz, Jr. – Communications Technician
Military Experience
Private Cletus J Lutz, Jr., enlisted in the U.S. Army February 1978. Assigned to the 7th Special Forces Group as a Medical Specialist.
How long have you been working here?
5 years
What energizes you at work?
The work I do, I like doing this kind of work and there’s always something different.
What do you like about the St. Louis area?
The variety of things to do!
What do you like to do outside of work?
I like to go to tractor shows. I actually have an Italian vineyard tractor, a Pasquali 986 and I raise honeybees.
Amanda Winters – Vehicle Main Computer System Admin
Military Experience
Staff Sergeant Amanda Winters enlisted in the Army in October 2009 as a 25B (Information Technology Specialist). SSG Winters has held multiple appointments such as Senior IT Supervisor, Chief of SASMO (Sustainment Automation) and Cyber Network Defender with DISA. SSG Winters currently serves in the Army Reserves with the 303rd Field Hospital in Weldon Springs, Missouri.
How long have you been working here?
A little over 7 years.
What energizes you at work?
I enjoy problem solving: what’s broken, why is it broken, how are we going to fix it, and how do we make it better? Every day is something different in Maintenance. I may have a fueling problem at Illinois Garage and then get to DeBaliviere Garage to train employees but also finish my reports at Main Shop to push them out to all garages. Working with a great team, with a pool of different type of brains, makes Maintenance really exciting.
What do you like about the St. Louis area?
St. Louis is home. I may not have been born here, but home is where the heart is. You can get anywhere in St. Louis in 20 minutes. From Cardinals games to farmers markets; The Hill, Cherokee St. or Kirkwood for my plant shopping, historic Ferguson, Art Hill for sledding; I can go on all day about St. Louis.
What do you like to do outside of work?
Well, that’s a big question. I’m very much a homebody, my daily routine involves my dogs and house plants. I also like to build things. For instance, this summer I built my mom a 10×10 “U shaped” raised garden bed. I’m always up for spontaneous antique shopping or finding a new favorite local shop.
Roosevelt Rodgers – MetroBus Operator
Military Experience
Sergeant First Class Rogers served in the Army as a Radar Repairman on the Patriot Missile System and was stationed in Germany, Korea, and Saudi Arabia, along with other locations.
How long have you been working here?
24 years
What energizes you at work?
Serving the public, there’s a lot of good people on my runs so I like serving them and no trip is the same.
What do you like about the St. Louis area?
You can wake up every day and enjoy something different.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I like to go walking to keep the spirits up. Sometimes I like to go to the horse or dog races.
Mekia Sally – MetroBus Operations Analyst
Military Experience
SPC Mekia S. Sally enlisted in the Army in 2010. Her assignments included duties in several different positions in intelligence as well as serving as her unit’s stand in supply specialist. She directly supported forward operations during Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom as an intelligence analyst.
How long have you been working here?
About three years!
What energizes you at work?
Conversation, once we start working in here we’ll have our backs turned to each but we’re still talking and it keeps stress levels down and the communication flowing.
What do you like about the St. Louis area?
St. Louis has a pretty rich history, once I got back from the military I’ve just tried to be a tourist in my own city.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I like to draw, I’m a member of the Order of the Eastern Star so I do some volunteer work with them when I can, and I play some video games.
Marine Corps
Also established by the Second Continental Congress in 1775, the Marine Corps was originally established as the Continental Marines in order to serve on land and sea. Since its inception in 1775, the Marine Corps has carried out its mission and purpose “The Marine Corps mission reflects every Marine’s purpose. In essence, our Nation is that purpose. In our world, in ourselves, and in our way, there are conflicts, challenges, and obstacles that must be fought confidently and defeated convincingly for our Nation to prevail. These looming battles come in many forms and occur on many fronts, but each comes down to a critical choice: to demand victory or accept defeat. To pull together or fall apart. To give in or cave in. It is a decision each Marine conveys to our Nation with each battle won.”
BSD would like to thank team members that are Marine Corps Veterans who helped carry out that mission during their time in the Marine Corps. Thank you all for ensuring our freedom and doing your part at BSD day-in, day-out!
We are proud to have several Marine Corps veterans on the BSD team. Read below to learn more about Jared Gardner who served in the Marine Corps.
Jared Gardner – Light Rail Controller
Military Experience
Joined United States Marine Corps in 1987. Deployed to Desert Shield/ Desert Storm as a Hawk Operator.
How long have you been working here?
23 years
What energizes you at work?
What keeps me going is the fact that I know our community is moving because of us. People have to get to work, people have to get to the grocery store to feed their children and they rely on Metro to do that.
What do you like about the St. Louis area?
There are a lot of things to do in the Metro area. We have everything downtown and on the Missouri side. There’s even tons to do on the Illinois side of the river.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I’m a Pastor in Cahokia, Illinois so that keeps me busy outside of work.